Monday, June 2, 2014

20% Project Week 13

Let me tell you something. I honestly think I did an awful job. I could of done a better job! I just know I could of. Yet I didn't. You want to know why I didn't? Well it was because I wasn't prepared. all i did was some drawings and that's pretty much it. If I would of drawn on youtube and made tutorials I think that I could of done a better job. However I did not do that so therefore I deserve a bad grade for my project. Then again I did help someone out. I am helping my little brother by teaching him how to draw. Just like someone taught me. It certainly made my life better. I'm hoping I can make his life better as well. All The techniques my friend taught me I shall show my little brother. I hope next time I have a project like this, I will prepare for it so I can do better than I did on this Project. That's really all I have to say. I hope you have a wonderful day.



Friday, May 23, 2014

20% Project Week 12

So it turned out that we are not going to be doing the youtube video because my partner and i cant arrange a time to do it. so i think we are just going to do a power point with images. I honestly think i helped someone out by drawing and teaching them how to draw. I really wanted to do the drawing in a video but i couldn't do it. it feels to me that i let everyone down. however i will still be presenting and i will try my very best. i dont want to be the person who doesnt do anything. i want to change that around and actually do it. i wasnt responsible in doing the video and now im upset. i will make it up though by doing a good job on my presentation.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

20% Project Week 11

I know I always say this on each blog but I have not done anything so far. I don't know when I'll be done with it but i hope I'm done with it by next week. I have to prepare for my presentation. I want to make a power point and put pictures of the drawings we have done. My partner and I will have to meet up and take pictures of the drawings and later out it on the power point. I want to just put some pictures with only a few words. I don't want to make my audience bored by reading the bullet points. We have chosen to draw a flower. we are going to do it step by step and take pictures. After that we are going to upload it to youtube. That is pretty much what we are going to do. Hopefully we'll have it done by this week or next week for sure!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

20% Project Week 10

i have drawn a flower. i know it isn't much much but i want to continue. 3 weeks from now i will be presenting and i still haven't made the video. My partner and i will probably finish it within this week. It is basically pictures of the drawing but with steps to it. like step by step on how to draw a flower. something simple. We don't want to bore our audience so therefore the video will only be about 2 to 3 minutes long. For out presentation we will have a power point with more picture than words, because people get bored when they see a lot of words up on the projector. We will have it done by this week and maybe we'll have 20 views. 20 views is better than nothing. I will be doing another drawing this week but im not sure what i should draw. I think i will be drawing an eye. it should be easy but hard at the same time.

Friday, April 25, 2014

20% Project Week 9

This week I have been slacking off. Im hoping to do the video by this week or next week. It's going to be difficult because i have no idea when I'm going to do the video with my partner. Once we meet up though we will be making the video. I think him and i are going to do a tutorial about how to draw a rose. The week before I was playing online. Well i wont bedoing any of that anymore. Im still trying to figure out if i shoulld do a rose or an eye. either way i hope that i can finish the video by this week or next.  However i still have a lot of work to do. I know i have been slacking but i hope i wont be in the past week or so. i will try to keep you guys updated on what i do every week. i hope you guys have a wonderful day.

Friday, April 18, 2014

20% Project Week 8

For the past week or even over spring break I have only done one drawing. Although its only been one I'm trying to get together with my partner Oscar to make a Youtube channel. Why you may ask? Well Oscar and I have decided to make a youtube video that will be us doing a tutorial on how to draw. I'm not to sure what it's going to be but I think it might be a rose. It will probably be a 5 minute tutorial on how to draw a rose. He haven't yet gathered together to do it but we'll do it sometime this month. I'm also trying to write a quick speech so i won't get nervous when i get up there. So you can expect me just writing a simple speech this week. I don't know when the video will be up but we'll try to post it up as soon as possible. This will teach people all over the world who want to learn to draw with some simple steps.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

20% Project Week 7

Hello everyone! First thing is first so happy internationals day. Hope you guys are having a wonderful day. lets get into week 7 blog. I didnt do batman after all. I ended up doing a drawing of a dragon. Yes some people might think dragons are overrated and so dumb, but its really not. I enjoy drawing a lot of things and one of them happens to be dragons. Im not a great artist and i never said i was good, but one this is for sure I love drawing. To me drawing helps me release stress. I guess you can say thats my natural high. I haven't been slacking off a lot this week. I mean i have been playing games but not as much. Drawing and doing homework is a lot so i dont know if I'll focus on drawings this week. Its bad enough i have to deal with homework.

20% Project week 5

Hello everyone. Let me tell you what i have been doing for the past 5 weeks of this semester. I can honestly say I havent done anything. I have been slacking off and i know that. hopefully by this week i can get a some drawings done. All i did was play some video games and I'm ashamed to say it. No more slacking off though because by this week i will be doing at least one drawing. I dont plan on playing anymore video games. well if i do i hope its not for a very long time. I was hoping to draw batman but that didnt happen. By week 6 i wanna do some doodles. Nothing to impressive but i want to do it anyways. I honestly dont have anything else to say but that i will try harder next week. I will see you guys on my next blog.

Friday, March 14, 2014

20% Project week 4

I have recently drawn a cover for my "To Kill A Mockingbird" Book by Harper Lee. It took me about 20 minutes to do and I honestly think it came out pretty good. It has a rose, a watch, and a mockingbird. I also had some time and did the letters in calligraphy. as you guys may know I love doing script letters. I honestly feel like doing a poster filled with letters and roses. Maybe even throw in some doodles. I also want to do some more doodles because i have only been focusing on the script and some other drawings. I also want to focus on some realistic drawings. I feel like drawing some realistic eyes along with some hands and lips. Yes that may be weird but who ever said i was normal in the first place? week five coming up and i hope i keep my work going and not slack off.

Friday, February 21, 2014

20% Project week 3

At the moment I have not yet made any progress. I am very upset because this whole week I have been busy. I just completed a calligraphy drawing for the whole week. I know that seems like nothing but trust me this week I shall be getting back to work on my 20 percent project. My partner and I have a drawing book. So I think one week he'll take it home and another week i will take it home. That's fair. Maybe by the end of this semester we finish the book and upload pictures on to Youtube. until I get the book I will be doing my own thing on a separate peace of paper. I call them master pieces even though they aren't the best. Oh well that's my opinion on MY drawings so no one should judge me for them. If you like them, Awesome. If you don't then oh well.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

20% Project week 2

For the past five days I have done calligraphy. Calligraphy is basically script. Fancy Letters, that catches my attention. I really do enjoy doing calligraphy. To me its an escape from this world. My partner is Doing Some calligraphy as well. Well I mean it looks like calligraphy. My point is I will be doing calligraphy this week. I might draw some flowers around the letters and maybe a heart. Some of the drawings i might just look at and try to copy to make it identical to the original one. I will try to come up with an original drawing as well. Although its really hard for me to do so. I will try my best to come up with something awesome for your guys. Until then i will be focusing on calligraphy and some cartoon drawings. Anyways I'm hoping to finish a really cool drawing by this week. I mean at least i think its pretty cool.

Friday, January 31, 2014

20% project week 1

For the past semester I have been working on my 20% project. Although I haven't really accomplished anything super amazing, I'm hoping I can do something this semester. I'm planning to draw a lot of drawings then at the end just put it together and make a video about it. I have drawn a clown so far. what I'm planning to do is 3 drawings per week until the semester is over. I will have done at least 20 drawings. The way I am going to do this is one drawing on Monday one on Wednesday and one Friday. On the days I wont be drawing I will be thinking of more stuff I could draw. I think i will draw superman and batman next. after that I think i will get into realistic drawings. Something like roses, flowers, eyes, and maybe even people. Although that seems very difficult i will do it anyways.