Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Post I

For the past 8 weeks Luis, Oscar, and I have been working on a drawing book. So far we have only completed a doodle. A doodle that takes up the whole page. That's what we are trying to do for everyone of the pages in the book. For the first few weeks we didn't do anything because Oscar didn't have the book. Now that we have it we will each take the book home a week. Once a persons time is up the other one will take it. I am sure that we will have a few drawings done by the end of the second quarter. We want to make doodles, realistic drawings, and I'm assuming some cartoons for book. I Will Try my best to get amazing doodles. Not just that but also amazing drawings. That is it for my first blog. I Will keep up to date from now on until the end of the semester. I hope you have enjoyed my blog.